Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ohello 6

Desdemona is truly a wonderful character. It is terrible that she is the one to be accused of such harsh things, because it is really the opposite of what she would do. Desdemona has a great balance of pleasing others, and standing up for what she believes in. She is very pleasant to all characters, and in the case of Cassio, she is firm in her action to have Othello reinstate him. Desdemona has done nothing wrong, and still she is punished severely.

Comment from Ross's Blog:

Nice work, your thought's have been expressed very clearly. I am curious as to why Othello is so quick to buy what Iago says, but in turn does not trust his wife at all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Othello 5

The main symbol in this story is the handkerchief. The meaning of this important symbol has changed over the course of the novel. At first, it was a symbol for love, when Othello gave it to Desdemona initially. Almost like a ring, it showed his commitment and love for her. However, as Iago has tainted Othello, it has turned into a device of hatred and jealousy. It is nearly an alternate embodiment of Othello, as he started out loving, then turned jealous. Secondly, the way male characters names end in 'O' and female characters names end in 'A' is also important. It creates a separation between the sexes, and is further amplifies the rising conflict between Othello and Desdemona. Finally, Shakespeare references people to animals multiple times. This creates the effect that humans are very connected to feral instincts. This is similar to a theme in Lord of the Flies, although portrayed differently. 

Comment from James' Blog:
I especially agree with how each character's name ends with an O for a male, or A for a woman, it was definitely intentional. I think it is another way to create separation between the two genders. As we get closer to the end of the story, it becomes more apparent that there is conflict between man and woman.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Othello #4

"I: Will you think so? O: Think so, Iago? I: What, to kiss in private? O: An unauthorized kiss! I: Or to be naked with her friend in bed, an hour or more, not meaning any harm? O: Naked in bed, Iago, and not mean harm? It is hypocrisy against the devil" (4.1, lines 1-7).

This passage highlights Iago perfectly. In this section, he creates spiteful lies out of thin air. His malevolence is in full fury from this point on.  Iago doesn't just say it is bad, but rather turns his statements into questions, so Othello has to react. This passage is also important, because it is the leading into Othello's  first apparent epileptic seizure. His seizure adds another layer to his emotions. It is clear that it really effects his temperament, because if Shakespeare but this is, that it will have importance to the story. As the Moor is having his fit, Iago is telling Cassio how Othello "breaks out to savage madness" when is effected by epilepsy, further showing it effects his mood (4.1, l. 55).

On a side note, I am curious as to how Shakespeare created such an evil character. Iago's villainy is at an unimaginable level, almost supernatural. I wonder if he interacted with someone in his life who was similar to Iago's character.

Comment from Olivia's blog:
Great analysis! I agree, the conflict is rising at a rapid pace! Your comment is really what intrigued me, I was wondering the same thing. I am very curious why Othello is so quick to believe Iago and everything he is saying, with the lack of evidence. Also, on the flip side, he shows no trust in his just married wife, this is a major point the story hinges on, and it seems very unrealistic.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Othello Characters + Actors

"This fellow's of exceeding honesty,and know all qualities with a learned spirit, of human dealings" (3.3, p.   129).
"The servants of the Duke? And my lieutenant? The goodness of the night upon you, friends!"(1.2, p. 21).

Morgan Freeman is the obvious choice to play Othello. In my opinion, he is very strong in nature( and physique), and can convey his emotions very well. And also, he is one of the premier african-american actors, which is important because Othello is black.

"Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it, that he would steal away so guiltylike" (3.3, p. 113).
"I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted; thine hath no less reason. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him"(1.3, p. 53)

I think that William Dafoe would be the best actor for Iago's character. When I think of a villain, he is the first person to come to mind. His appearance also makes him seem more villainous. In the movie Spiderman, he played the Green Goblin, who was at first an honest character, and aligned with the protagonist, but then turned on him. This is much like what Iago is doing in this story.

"Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord, If I have any grace or power to move you, . . . I prithee call him back" ( 3.3, p. 113).
Othello - "Give me a living reason she's disloyal"(3.3, p. 141).

Evangeline Lilly would make a perfect Desdemona. This actor played the character Kate on Lost. Kate was strong, and stood up for what was right. I see a strong resemblance between the two characters, therefore I think Evangeline could play the part very well.

"I am glad I have found this napkin. ... My wayward husband hath a hundred times wooed me to steal it... I nothing but to please his fancy" ( 3.3, p. 133).
"If it be not for some purpose of import, give't me again. Poor lady, she'll run mad when she shall lack it" ( 3.3, p. 135).

Emilia is a weak character. Her love for Iago blinds her to what is right. Although she knows Desdemona loves the napkin, she steals it anyways only to please Iago. Angelina Jolie could play the part well. I also see a sense of villainy in her, as I do in Emilia.

From Blake's blog:

It's interesting we picked half of the same actors. Also, the quotes you picked highlight the characters well. Nice job.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

16th Century Research

16th Century Turks:
The present day of Turkey in the 1500's was under control of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire's capital city was Constantinople, which is now the Turkish city of Istanbul. The Ottoman Empire covered Northern Africa and most of the Mediterranean. The Ottoman Empire was allied with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria in WWI. In 1299, The Ottomans took power, and in 1923 the Empire was abolished.

The Flag of Turkey
The Ottoman Empire at the height of it's power

  • I never related Venice to Music, interesting.
  • I thought that a Moor was from a specific country, good to know. 
  • Wow, it's so wierd that there were so many superstitions in that time. It's probably because they couldn't truly understand what the disease was about.
  • How were the crops ruined by Americans?

Monday, December 6, 2010


It is nice to be reading a legitimate play again! Compared to The Piano Lesson Othello is definitely more appropriate to our age level. Although the reading is somewhat harder to understand, there is more to get out of it. Shakespeare's writings are a little hard to understand, but that is half the fun of it.

From what I understand the first scene to be, Iago is telling Roderigo how he is unhappy that Othello did not pick him to be his lieutenant.He is angry at both Othello and at Cassio, whom was picked instead of him, because he feels he is more apt to do the job. Iago starts to get revenge on Othello by first waking up Othello's wife's father, named Barbantio. Iago yells that Barbantio is being robbed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Piano Lesson #8

August Wilson uses Doaker as a symbol of peace in The Piano Lesson to create growth in other characters. As Boy Willie and Berniece are explaining their opinions, Doaker doesn’t “say nothing about who’s right and who’s wrong” (46). Doaker always vouches for what is morally right, and does not pick a side. This makes him a neutral and righteous person. The most important characteristic of any neutral party is to not pick a side, because if they did it would make their decisions immoral. By putting this characteristic into Doaker’s character, Wilson Implies that that is what his role is. By having Doaker stay neutral, it allows the characters to express their opinions. When Boy Willie and Berniece express different opinions, it allows the two characters to become separate entities, therefore forcing them to mature and grow.